Galaxy fighters iguana
Galaxy fighters iguana

galaxy fighters iguana

docs/_modules/iguanas/pipeline/class_accessor.html (modified).

galaxy fighters iguana galaxy fighters iguana

docs/_modules/iguanas/metrics/unsupervised.html (modified).docs/_modules/iguanas/metrics/pairwise.html (modified).docs/_modules/iguanas/metrics/classification.html (modified).docs/_modules/iguanas/correlation_reduction/agglomerative_clustering_reducer.html (modified).docs/_images/complex_example_setup.png (modified).7df872c86f1702dfec183289042f19f000fbfcaa, Ma1:04 PM: Added exception test in test_parallel_pipeline to increase coverage to 100%.a837741f91021bfeebf5a22ee4bf6eed8b7d773f, Ma5:59 PM: Updated variable names in advanced_bayes_search_cv_example, re-ran documentation process.

galaxy fighters iguana

Updated code so params on separate lines.

  • 74e5c9eecfbbc157d3ad212c4b1faef5fe61c972, Ma2:46 PM: Removed unused params from classes.
  • Changed RuleGeneratorDTSpark to ensure rule names are the same when fit run without reinstantiating (same as other rule generators). Moved return_columns_dtypes from utils to _base_generator, renamed _infer_dtypes_from_X.
  • 56fd95b4fa4a41909b3a06f1af1bcdc480ab7be0, Ma3:27 PM: Updated _BaseOptimiser with num_cores and verbose kwargs.
  • f11b13cadfa0d49fbe1864c74182d96556fc7bca, Ma3:22 PM: Updated wording of advanced_bayes_search_cv_example so fraud->reject and good->approve.
  • 6c0f774d0f78bdbe57a7a59ce3450cd555069b2e, Ma2:09 PM: Updated unit tests to check for all warning/exception messages.
  • 755e337fa324d93e644ac266c89afee65432f330, Ma3:09 PM: Added custom warnings and exceptions to modules (where relevant).
  • Updated exceptions unit tests to match warnings module. Updated with instructions on how to run. Updated test scripts to run unit, NB and docstring tests.
  • 8f0486bfcf23b81efa9d8226ae9a209c6b890ec2, Ma5:09 PM: Finished adding docstring examples to every module.
  • ac6ca01e1542ac98f6972a4b28676d839ddd1f0b, Ma3:05 PM: Added docstring examples to classes in metric module and class_accessor in pipeline module.
  • e37ac236200224d50779aeca107574bfaa671816, Ma1:52 PM: Added example to docstrings of AgglomerativeClusterReducer class.
  • Updated unit tests, notebooks and documentation
  • cff1fab5788c85ea509e2c085030bedc1ddbdba4, Ma5:26 PM: Added Bounds class to metrics module.
  • Also updated Rules class to allow for empty rule set to be created.
  • 15f05e485ad52650cec3edfc013bd87d47ca03b7, Febru5:09 PM: Added try/except to ParallelPipeline to allow it to run through even when a step fails to generate a rule set.
  • Also updated output of _optimise_single_rule in BayesianOptimiser to clean up code.
  • 337e72274abd5473f2ad4b3621035017f7cf0b20, Febru4:41 PM: Add the following operators to those supported by converters in class: greater_field, greater_or_equal_field, less_field, less_or_equal_field.
  • What's new in version 0.1.4 Delta between version 0.1.3 and version 0.1.4 Source: Github Commits:

    Galaxy fighters iguana